I was still on crutches which makes it difficult to carry too much, but I brought my d80 and its smallest lens, a fixed 50mm f/1.8 that was the kit lens on an old film camera . The speed and slight zoom (it's a "normal" lens for 35mm film, but on my digital camera body it's about a 75mm equivalent) of the lens make it great for portraits, but the manual focus is tricky, especially in low light. Anyway, here are some that I shot, I enjoyed the challenge if nothing else.

I was stuck in the back of the venue for most of the show so I could prop up my leg in the brace. I shot this one from there. It has a really gritty, almost-voyeuristic feel to it that I kind of liked.

Turns out the Nada Surf guys were really friendly and chatted with me and my friend before and after their set, and even invited us to hang out with them afterwards. We sat around their hotel for hours, smoking cigarettes inside, laughing and arguing about music. These guys have been making music and touring since the early 90's.

Above is Matthew Caws, lead vocals and guitar, playing some iTunes. I love their music so I was really glad to learn that they're great people, unpretentious and fun, like any of my college friends. They get excited about good music of any genre and funny youtube videos.

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