Saturday, April 18, 2009

A printable tribute for a printing man

I spent the afternoon teaching myself InDesign using Lynda tutorials. It only took a few minutes to get a pretty good grasp of the software. I highly recommend Lynda. Props to the Monitor for giving us all free subscriptions. If you have any suggestions, I welcome feedback on my first project here.

My grandma had been asking for after a printed copy of what she dubbed my tribute to grandpa. She said family and friends of my grandpa had been asking for pictures of him and the printout my aunt had made from my blog wasn't cutting it. Next week I'll make a few printouts of this to send to friends and family. I know Bernie's death has put many such friends and family in touch with my blog, and I invite you to send me your mailing address if you'd like a copy. It would be my pleasure to share it with you.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Studying, Allston style.

The weather is finally shaping up so I can actually meet some of my neighbors. My roommate asked me if I knew about "the elaborate thing happening outside," and I stepped out to meet Lauren Kling and Ryan Brazell. Lauren, a biology major at Northeastern, was making this elaborate study guide for her Parasitics exam in sidewalk chalk on our shared driveway.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

thesis day parade

I've put my blog on the back burner as I worked toward my thesis defense today. I biked through falling confetti to get to it. You can't make these things up.

It went very well, much thanks to my all-star committee. As I told them before I got all defensive, it's been quite a journey for me as a student and as a journalist over these past 5 years, a journey on which they've acted guides for me in many ways. I can't thank them enough for their support.

Joe Lippincott (holding my thesis!), Karla Vallance, Tony Barrand.

Some confetti swept up against the curb on Comm Ave, outside FedEx/Kinko's on this beautifully sunny day.

More stray confetti on campus. It was really thoughtful of BU to throw me a parade for my thesis defense. I'll share more on the thesis itself in the future--for now, you can get a pretty good idea of the content from the word cloud I made of the entire text of the paper: