Saturday, September 20, 2008


Here's the first photo I had published in the Christian Science Monitor through my internship.

Exciting because, hey, it's my first photo published in the Monitor!

Unexciting because, hey, it's a pretty boring photo. Television through your Blu-ray is pretty innovative, but not exactly what I'd call a visual story.

I was actually out shooting something else and I remembered we had a story coming up about Blu-Ray and I shot this quick portrait of Nick Bernard with display in Border's at Downtown Crossing. It was better than the archive photos we had from the wires shot in a Best Buy so we used it.

Stay tuned for more CSMonitor assignments: Buffalo meatballs, Caryopteris, and tropical fish hunting in Rhode Island.


Sarah Gatzke said...

Ooh, I like. I do wish he had feet though. Congrats!

Sarah Beth Glicksteen said...

Thanks Gatz! I think he had feet in the original, I'll take a look and post it tomorrow. Our dimensions for web are kind of wonky.