Friday, July 16, 2010

Fish in a Barrel

"Sorry, I just got this Macro lens so now when I see fish in a barrel I just have to shoot them."

I blame Katie Barnes for my recent macro kick. It would have been near-impossible to shoot along side her for four months and not want to capture some of those tiny little details.

A fisherman's bait on the Galata Bridge. Istanbul, Turkey.

Neat little fly in Ana's grandparents' garden in Fagaras, Romania.

Odd spider inside a flower in Ana's grandparents' garden. Fagaras, Romania.

Buttons in an abandoned house. Palamartsa, a village near Popovo, Bulgaria.

Wild strawberries: the best strawberries in the world. Palamartsa, Bulgaria.

Make a wish! Dandelion in the same field as the wild strawberries. Palamartsa, Bulgaria.

1 comment:

katie said...

aw, well paint me red and call me flattered. ;) i love that first shot of the fish!!