Today was my last day at The Christian Science Monitor, after being their photo intern for over a year. It has been a privilege. I wrote an email to tell my colleagues that I am proud that the Monitor's thoughtful, thorough and hopeful approach to world news has helped to form my journalistic voice, and I meant it. I miss everyone already, but I'm excited to delve back into community journalism in my new gig at the Concord Monitor.
I'm feeling awfully sentimental, so I decided to balance that with some fisheye shots from the newsroom.
[Click to see them bigger.]
From left: Alfredo Sosa, Director of Photography; Melanie Stetson Freeman, Chief Photographer; John Kehe, Art Director; a bulletin board featuring some cover mark-ups; and me with the photo staff minus Mary Knox who is en route to Haiti (that last photo's by John Kehe. See his foot?)I also shot a couple at 35mm: Joanne & Alfredo enjoying my farewell lunch.