Tuesday, February 17, 2009

LOVE IT Valentines Party

My friend Leah had a rockin' gathering and cookie decorating in honor of Love Day '09. Fellow photographer Dominick Reuter was there and let me test out his 5D- what a pleasure to shoot RAW, full-frame with a 1.8 fixed lens. At some point someone said "Yeah, there's really no reason not to use fixed lenses. Unless you're doing stupid journalism."

Here's Mr. Reuter's slideshow from the evening, spent decorating cookies and giggling about made-up words like funtographs. I'm pretty sure I shot #'s 10-21, and the rest are Dom's. #14 is definitely mine, it's my favorite. What a lovely hostess.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

All's fair in love and chocolate

Fair trade chocolates for Valentine's Day. Tough assignment, I know, but someone had to do it.

We used it as a cutout in print. It looks great that way but made me feel a little silly for fussing with the black velvet and the hearts for so long.

The message was more than words.

Photographer's Point of View essay from Monday's paper.